Eco-innovera is een ERA-NET met als doel de coördinatie en financiering van onderzoek naar eco-innovaties. Dit ERA-NET lanceerde een tweede oproep voor onderzoek op dit domein. Thema’s zijn:
- Topic 1 – System innovation: Proving the transformational potential of eco-innovation requires a systemic approach and differs from conventional approaches to innovation. As “System Innovation” it may lead to quite different models of production and consumption.
- Topic 2 – Sustainable processes and products: In this topic we are looking for proposals which will mobilise the value chain (both industry partners and the knowledge base) to deliver projects which are high impact both in terms of the market opportunity they address, and the environmental/societal benefits they will enable.
- Topic 3 – Recycling; re-use of waste and water: This topic seeks new products, processes and services which will enable significant reductions in the impact of waste and recycling processes and new products which make better use of waste and secondary materials.
Projecten hebben een duur van maximum drie jaar. De uiterste indiendatum voor pre-proposals is 8 april 2013 12u
totaalbudget van ca. 1.000.0000€
Meer informatie is te vinden via de Eco-Innovera Website: